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Chronic Disease Program

Prevent and manage chronic diseases like High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease, Fatty Liver, Autoimmune diseases, Cancers and many more. The program is personalised on the basis of family history, risk factors and scores and health status.

Nurture Life - Preconception

The preconception nutrition and health of the mother and father significantly affect the way an embryo develops. This, in turn affects the infant and child health and disease susceptibility later in life.


It is important to optimize the nutrition and lifestyle of couples to reach a healthy weight and optimal health before conceiving.

Nurture life preconception program is designed to optimize the health of parents and the next generation.

Nurture Life - Pregnancy and Postnatal Program

The most precious days of the life of a woman are when she takes the journey to motherhood. This is also the time when she is responsible for taking care of herself and her baby’s health. The baby’s mental and physical growth depend on the mother’s nutrition and emotional health, and later the infant’s diet, sleep, environment, and activity.


In Nurture life- pregnancy and postnatal program we provide guidance on the correct lifestyle choices to give the baby a head start in life and make this stage as comfortable as possible for the mother.


The second half of a woman’s life can—and should—be her best years. Our Emerge:Menopause wellness program provides evidence based resources to help women live with strength, health, and vitality as they age. We cover areas such as bone health, brain health, nutrition, mental well-being, and weight management. We support you through the menopausal transition, addressing symptoms like hot flashes, mood disturbances, and sleep issues. We empower you to thrive during this transformative phase of life with the right nutrition plans, exercise plans, managing sleep and stress, and improving cognition.



Corporate Wellness Programs

A healthy and happy staff makes for a healthy and productive company. Every Company is unique in its work culture and environment. Like individual health and wellness, the health and wellness of any company or institution should be specifically designed according to its needs, and the needs of its employees.


A well-designed and individualized corporate wellness program will:

Reduced healthcare cost to the company

Reduce absenteeism leading to greater productivity.

Increasing presentism leading to greater employee engagement and productivity.

Lifestyle Consultation
My Wellness Path
Weight Wise
Gut Wellness Program
Diabetes U Turn
Nurture Life- Preconception
Chronic disease Program
Nurture Life
Emerge: Menopause Wellness
Stress Management
Coporate Wellness

Lifestyle Consultation

A Lifestyle Consultation with the Path to Health Clinic allows you to better understand the factors that influence your health and wellness and help set you on the right path to making better lifestyle choices.

My Wellness Path

A 6-week program with weekly virtual / in-person consultations to assess your lifestyle and understand the factors that drive your health and wellness. It is more than prevention of diseases, we focus on preventing the risk factors of diseases (primordial prevention). Based on your profile you receive a personalized plan that includes

  • A nutrition prescription

  • An exercise prescription

  • Stress management / mindfulness plan

  • Guidance on other environmental factors

Weight Wise

In the Weight wise Program we look at Obesity as more than extra weight. It increases the risk of many diseases like diabetes, heart disease, fatty liver and some cancers. Losing weight is about gaining life and improving the quality of life.

​This program is a minimum 12-week  or more intensive program followed by support during weight maintenance.

​Being underweight can be associated with medical issues and sub optimal health.

We help people  maintain their optimal weight, in a sustainable way.

Who should join: 

Your BMI is more than 23

Calculate your BMI: Click here

Your waist to height ratio is more than 0.5. 

Gut Wellness Program

In the 12–24-week Gut wellness program, we focus on optimizing your digestive health and overall well-being.  This program is tailored to restore balance within the gut microbiome, enhance digestion, and boost your immune system
Alteration in the functioning and permeability of gut lining (also called Leaky gut) is linked to gut issues and various chronic diseases and is also linked to brain health, hence the term Gut-Brain Axis.  
In the Gut wellness program, we guide you on:  
·       personalized nutrition plans
·       effective stress management techniques
·       targeted lifestyle modifications
Who should join:
If you're experiencing digestive issues
If you have Irritable bowel syndrome, Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative colitis), Fatty liver (NAFLD, MAFLD), anxiety and mood fluctuations
If you are aiming to improve overall health

Diabetes U Turn
(Diabetes Remission/Control Program)


In the Diabetes Reversal / Control program entails  relevant dietary changes, exercise plans, stress reduction, sleep management, all targeted  to normalize your blood sugar without or with less medication. 
Who should join:

If you have been diagnosed with Prediabetes 

           Fasting blood sugar 100mg% or more,

             HbA1c between 5.8-6.4% 

            2 hours post breakfast blood sugar between 140-199 mg%)

If you have been diagnosed with Diabetes

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Management

A 12-24 week program of lifestyle change to empower you to manage this common problem which is a leading cause of infertility in women and can lead to increased risk of diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidemia.

Tranquil Sleep

The impact of sleep is as important as the food we eat. Poor Sleep can make you eat more sugary and processed foods the next day. Poor sleep can lead to weight gain, diabetes, anxiety, depression and poor cognition. Our 6-week program on Insomnia Management (CBT- Insomnia) will help you improve sleep quantity and quality. CBT-Insomnia program has been proven to have better and sustainable long-term effect.


Who should join?

If you have difficulty going to sleep

Difficulty in maintaining sleep.  

Have poor-quality sleep,

Stress Management

Stress is a part of life; uncontrolled stress is not. It can lead to heart disease, diabetes, depression, emotional disturbances, and some cancers.


Managing stress is the way to lead a productive and happy life. The Stress Management program is a structured 8-week program in which you understand your stress and learn techniques to manage it.

Tranquil Sleep
PCOS management
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